Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 09/14/09 - 144.8lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 25.2lbs
Monday, September 14, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Looking Lighter, Feeling Great!
Well I cancelled my weight watchers subscription about a month ago. Hoping I could live without it. Live in the real world, eating real food and being faced with real temptations. And surprisingly I have done really well. I am continuing to loose weight, and the best news was, I went to try on wedding dresses, and I went from a size 14 (last June, my bridesmaid dress for my cousins wedding), to a size 10!
I met my parents in Denver a few weekends ago, just to see what size wedding dress I would wear so we could start looking at dresses. And of course I fell in love with this dress. And yes, it's a size 10. It zipped right up, no problems!
I haven't bought it yet, but I am excited about looking great on my wedding day! I can't wait for Matt to see me and all of my hard work!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 5/30/09 - 146.2lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 24.8lbs
I met my parents in Denver a few weekends ago, just to see what size wedding dress I would wear so we could start looking at dresses. And of course I fell in love with this dress. And yes, it's a size 10. It zipped right up, no problems!
I haven't bought it yet, but I am excited about looking great on my wedding day! I can't wait for Matt to see me and all of my hard work!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 5/30/09 - 146.2lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 24.8lbs

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Weight Loss - Welcome Back!!
Well I had hit a plateau and I knew it was coming, everyone warned me it would come. So I gave up on some of the eating right and counting points etc. Went a little crazy and ate everything I was craving. And magically I got back on the weight loss train. Amazing how things happen when you least expect them.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 4/26/09 - 148.8lbs
Weight Loss Since Weight Watchers - 16.2lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 22.2lbs
I think it's because it's been nicer out lately and we are being more active! Thank goodness. I am ready to look at wedding dresses!!
Love, LISA
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 4/26/09 - 148.8lbs
Weight Loss Since Weight Watchers - 16.2lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 22.2lbs
I think it's because it's been nicer out lately and we are being more active! Thank goodness. I am ready to look at wedding dresses!!
Love, LISA
Sunday, February 8, 2009
I Have Come A Long Way!
I got on the scale this morning not expecting too much, and was surprised to see I finally hit 151 on the scale!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 2/08/09 - 151.8lbs
Weight Loss Since Weight Watchers - 13.2lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 19.2lbs
I have not been working out at all. I need to step that up a little more so I can see the weight fall off faster. But I will take a pound a week, that's still awesome!
Love, LISA
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 2/08/09 - 151.8lbs
Weight Loss Since Weight Watchers - 13.2lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 19.2lbs
I have not been working out at all. I need to step that up a little more so I can see the weight fall off faster. But I will take a pound a week, that's still awesome!
Love, LISA
Saturday, January 31, 2009
New Pictures
I thought I would share some new pictures of me in my size 9 jeans.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/31/09 - 152.6lbs
Weight Loss Since Weight Watchers - 12.4lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 18.4lbs

Weight watchers is having a special. You can try the online version for free for a week. Just go to weightwatchers.com/free - I love the online. It's on MY time and it's easy for me.
Love, LISA
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/31/09 - 152.6lbs
Weight Loss Since Weight Watchers - 12.4lbs
Total Weight Loss To Date - 18.4lbs
Weight watchers is having a special. You can try the online version for free for a week. Just go to weightwatchers.com/free - I love the online. It's on MY time and it's easy for me.
Love, LISA
Friday, January 23, 2009
Well Here I Am
Well I was surprised this morning to step on the scale and be able to report my lowest weight on my weigh in day to weightwatchers.com. I am only 6lbs away from my 10% goal. I CAN DO IT!!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/23/09 - 154.2lbs
Weight Loss - 10.8lbs
I have hit a plateau but I can only blame myself for that. I haven't given up but I will power through this! And be where I want to be.
Love, LISA
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/23/09 - 154.2lbs
Weight Loss - 10.8lbs
I have hit a plateau but I can only blame myself for that. I haven't given up but I will power through this! And be where I want to be.
Love, LISA
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Something To Report!
Well there you have it. I hit the 10lb mark. I can't beleive it, as soon as the holidays were over I got right back to my diet and the pounds started falling off again. I am so excited to report progress! And extremly happy that since I started my weight watchers diet I have lost 10lbs, and since I started dieting before weight watchers, I've lost 15lbs! Yay me!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/8/09 - 154.4lbs
Weight Loss - 10.6lbs
And I know you hear it all the time, but "If I can do it, anyone can do it!" And I haven't even been working out. I just changed how I eat!!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/8/09 - 154.4lbs
Weight Loss - 10.6lbs
And I know you hear it all the time, but "If I can do it, anyone can do it!" And I haven't even been working out. I just changed how I eat!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Years Resolution
Well along with half of America one of my New Year's resolutions is to lose weight. Not only to be healthy and live a healthier life style. But I have a wedding in 8 months and 26 give or take days and I want to look hot! So now that the holidays are over I can get back on track with my diet and focus on my goal
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/4/09 - 155.6lbs
Weight Loss - 9.4lbs
The good news is with all the holiday food and goodies I was able to maintain my weight and keep off what I had already lost.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 1/4/09 - 155.6lbs
Weight Loss - 9.4lbs
The good news is with all the holiday food and goodies I was able to maintain my weight and keep off what I had already lost.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Not Expecting Too Much Here...
Well the results are in. As I was stuffing my face yesterday with Christmas dinner, I knew today was weigh-in day. So I am not expecting too much this week from my body. It's probably in shock from all the food.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/26/08 - 157.0lbs
Weight Loss - 8lbs
I am so glad the holidays are over and I can get back on track with this diet stuff. Now if I can just clear my house of all the cookies, brownies and cheesecake. No hope is lost, but no weight was lost this week either. It's a new week, and it will soon be a New Year!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/26/08 - 157.0lbs
Weight Loss - 8lbs
I am so glad the holidays are over and I can get back on track with this diet stuff. Now if I can just clear my house of all the cookies, brownies and cheesecake. No hope is lost, but no weight was lost this week either. It's a new week, and it will soon be a New Year!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Oh....The Holidays
They say that December is the worst time to be dieting. Most people throw in the towel and restart their diet in January. I have been trying so hard to stay on track with everything. The good news is I am maintaining my weight and not gaining. But the bad news is I'm not losing as much as I would hope.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/20/08 - 155.2lbs
Weight Loss - 9.8lbs
But hey I can't complain too much. I know I have been eating my share of sugar cookies and fudge....Eekk!! Oh well, the holidays are almost over and I can get a fresh start. I still have 9 months to wedding right??
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/20/08 - 155.2lbs
Weight Loss - 9.8lbs
But hey I can't complain too much. I know I have been eating my share of sugar cookies and fudge....Eekk!! Oh well, the holidays are almost over and I can get a fresh start. I still have 9 months to wedding right??
Friday, December 12, 2008
A VERY Small Setback
So I knew that today would be a little disappointing. My cravings for fast food were horrible this last week. I couldn't get over the feeling, that I had to have some french fries. And I kept telling myself, oh only a few will be ok. But a few adds up. So I wasn't surprised to not see the scale move much this week. I was 156.6lbs last week, and 157lbs this week, but it's a VERY small set back and it's not going to get me down at all. I am still very excited about my weight loss and this week is a new week.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/12/08 - 157lbs
Weight Loss - 8lbs
That scale better be ready for next week!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/12/08 - 157lbs
Weight Loss - 8lbs
That scale better be ready for next week!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Picture Time
So I found these pictures of me, they were taken on Labor Day weekend. When Matt and I went fishing. 9/1/08 - I was around 170lbs in these pictures. These pictures frankly, make me sick! But I thought it was ok to share them now.

Here is a picture of me tonight. Click on it to make it bigger. But I put it next to my 165lbs picture so you can see the differance. LOOK at my face, holy cow! And I am starting to get that womanly curve back haha!
Here is a picture of me tonight. Click on it to make it bigger. But I put it next to my 165lbs picture so you can see the differance. LOOK at my face, holy cow! And I am starting to get that womanly curve back haha!
Weigh-In Day!!
I get so excited on Friday mornings cause I know it is my weigh-in day. Today I noticed - I have hip bones! I can't beleive this diet is working for me. I thought I was a lost hope. I never joined because I didn't want to pay money to lose my weight. But I am so thankful I decided to join weight watchers. Today when I logged my weight I got a red star, and a congradulations.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/05/08 - 156.6lbs
Weight Loss - 8.4lbs
Did you know 1lb is the same as 4 sticks of butter. And 5lbs is the same as a sack of potatoes! This is best I have felt in a long time. I can now see myself where I want to be, which used to just be a dream. I can't wait to try on wedding dresses.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 12/05/08 - 156.6lbs
Weight Loss - 8.4lbs
Did you know 1lb is the same as 4 sticks of butter. And 5lbs is the same as a sack of potatoes! This is best I have felt in a long time. I can now see myself where I want to be, which used to just be a dream. I can't wait to try on wedding dresses.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I'm Blushing...
So today I recieved my first compliment. I came out of the bathroom at work and one of the guys said "Are you losing weight?" I looked at him, assuming my co-worker Karen told him to say that. I laughed and said "Yes!" And he said "Well it's really starting to show!" I was so excited. When he left the room I asked Karen how much she paid him to say that. She said nothing. It felt great!!
By the way I want to give a special congradulations to Matt's mom Shelly. She has joined weight watchers also. She had her first weigh in today, she was nervous, but ended up losing 3.5lbs!! Whoo Hoo!!
By the way I want to give a special congradulations to Matt's mom Shelly. She has joined weight watchers also. She had her first weigh in today, she was nervous, but ended up losing 3.5lbs!! Whoo Hoo!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
So today I wore a fresh pair of jeans from the dryer. You know how they are always horribly tight when you first put them on. Well I will be honest with you. I wore a size 13 in juniors. So today we went and did our thing and I had to pull my pants up every 3 seconds. It was the most annoying thing. And my pants looked horrible because the theighs were so baggy. So I went to ARC, and bought a pair of size 10 jeans. When I got home from ARC I tried them on and they fit perfect. So I have shrunk to size 10 in juniors. I am so excited, I used to hate clothes shopping cause all the cute things were only cute if you were a size S or M. So I just had to share my success.
I also asked Matt if he has noticed any difference in my apperance. He said, "Yes in your face, fingers and butt" lol.. I must have been holding 5lbs in my fingers hehe.
I also asked Matt if he has noticed any difference in my apperance. He said, "Yes in your face, fingers and butt" lol.. I must have been holding 5lbs in my fingers hehe.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Something's Working
Well today I was nervous about weighing in since yesterday was Thanksgiving. I didn't eat too much. I was proud of myself for saying "No" to the extra helping of mashed potatos and extra pie. So today I was surpised to find the scale in my favor.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 11/28/08 - 159.6lbs
So something seems to be working pretty well. I will continue this until I am happy with my weight. I am so sick of thinking about my weight it's the most annoying thing. Weight Watchers is working for me and I love it.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 11/28/08 - 159.6lbs
So something seems to be working pretty well. I will continue this until I am happy with my weight. I am so sick of thinking about my weight it's the most annoying thing. Weight Watchers is working for me and I love it.
Friday, November 21, 2008
First Weigh In
Well today was my first official weight in at weightwatchers.com. I had logged my starting weight as 165lbs, because that's what I was when I started online. So Friday is my weigh-in day. I weigh myself every morning though, and Thurs morning I got down to 160lbs. I was excited, then of course today comes and I'm 161.2lbs. Oh well it was still good to see a negative on my weigh-in.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 11/21/08 - 161.2lbs
I kind of stopped working out, and I was just trying to eat right. But I think I need to work the workout back into the routine. It sure made the pounds fall off. But hey, 1lb is the same as 4 sticks of butter!! So I am feeling good. I can't beleive just the little weight loss that I have had, I am so much more motivated. I find myself doing dishes, laundry and everything with out feeling lazy. It's great. I like it. See you next Friday!!
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 11/21/08 - 161.2lbs
I kind of stopped working out, and I was just trying to eat right. But I think I need to work the workout back into the routine. It sure made the pounds fall off. But hey, 1lb is the same as 4 sticks of butter!! So I am feeling good. I can't beleive just the little weight loss that I have had, I am so much more motivated. I find myself doing dishes, laundry and everything with out feeling lazy. It's great. I like it. See you next Friday!!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Let's Get Moving
So I thought I would start a blog of my weight watchers journey. So far everything has been going great. I will keep you up to date with my weekly weigh ins and how it goes.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 163lbs
So today when I got on the scale I could not believe that I had lost weight. I thought my scale couldn't go below 165lbs. But today was the most awesome feeling. It was like a wave of releif, like "wow this can really happen to me!" I had been 170lbs forever, then I started running and got to 165lbs and the weight loss stopped, so I stopped running. Then as soon as I join weight watchers it's dropping like crazy.
Highest Weight - 171lbs
Starting Weight - 165lbs
Current Weight - 163lbs
So today when I got on the scale I could not believe that I had lost weight. I thought my scale couldn't go below 165lbs. But today was the most awesome feeling. It was like a wave of releif, like "wow this can really happen to me!" I had been 170lbs forever, then I started running and got to 165lbs and the weight loss stopped, so I stopped running. Then as soon as I join weight watchers it's dropping like crazy.
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